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Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

My Picture Books

I made this picture book in English class . I made this for a long time. Grade 4  class is planning to launch these picture books  during The Grade 4 award class party.

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Mental Maths

In term 1 until now we always do Mental Maths for mathematics after we do some hard work. In mental maths  there  are  109 question of multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. We always do mental maths because by doing this  we can be faster in computation such as multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. When we do mental maths the time is limited, usually it takes only 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, even though you haven't finished doing  all questions   you have to stop. You have to check your answers after that.  

How to check your answers ? 
1.  If you do the multiplication you check to division sheet. If you do the addition the you check in subtraction page. Here is the picture of my mental maths worksheet. 


In mathematics  I have been learning about tessellation. Learning about tessellation shows that math has a  connection with art. The rule to make Tessellation is no gaps and overlaps.  It doesn't matter what shapes it is as long as the shapes will tesselate and the pattern is repeated. If a pattern shows no gaps and overlaps, it means  it is a tessellation. 

I have made a tessellation by myself. This is how I made my tessellation.  First I designed my tessellation using an online Tessellation. I made 4 designs in that website. Then I had  to decide which design  I wanted  to make. After that ,, my teacher Ms. Agnes gave me  a piece of 1 cm square grid paper. After that  I made that tessellation design using a pencil and some color pencils. Here is my tessellation picture. I hope you like it and can learn how to make your own tessellation.